Donate to our Cedar Valley SWE Section!

Cedar Valley SWE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to STEM professionals through professional development, networking, and outreach.

Your gift enhances our section’s capacity to:

  • Introduce young girls to the world of engineering and technology through our K-12 outreach programs and SWENext
  • Provide programs for personal growth and professional development​
  • Strengthen our community by serving as a forum for women engineers and technologists to share ideas, advice, and encouragement

Please make checks payable to Cedar Valley SWE
Cedar Valley SWE
Attn: Susan Evans, Treasurer
P.O. Box 332
Waterloo, IA 50704

Gifts to the Cedar Valley SWE are tax deductible to the full extent of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code. Cedar Valley SWE is designated by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. SWE’s tax ID number is: 27-2270909